Religion on
n early August 1801
as many as 20,000 to 30,000 people gathered at Cane Ridge Meeting House in
A new American tradition was in the making. Perhaps new
to the sacramental occasion was the intentional bringing along of tents and
camping provisions. Camp meetings were taking on a life of their own. The
"revival meeting" was moving into its place in the American
hundred years later, between August 4 and 12, 2001, the trustees and curators
of the Cane Ridge Preservation Project invited all to honor those days of 1801 with
nine days of celebration. Calling it "The Great Gathering," the
climax of the nine days of prayer, praise, and worship was a communion service
much like the one served in 1801.
The Signing of the Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery
occurred in the Cane Ridge Meeting House on June 28, 1804, with Presbyterian
ministers Robert Marshall, John Donlavy, Richard McNemar, Barton Warren Stone, and John Thompson, plus a
ministerial candidate, David Purviance, signing the
document. The Bicentennial Celebration took place June 26 - 28, 2004 at
Cane Ridge with speakers, a drama, soloists, music groups, picnics and box
lunches on the grounds, and an overnight prayer vigil in the Meeting House on
the final night.
The Great Gathering had as its goal "To celebrate
the influence and promise of the Great Revival." A distinguished advisory
panel and committees from
Cane Ridge Meeting House. All Rights Reserved.
Rev. 2/28/07